Notice Regarding Clinical Supervision and Intern Involvement in Psychotherapy


We hope this message finds you well. As part of our commitment to providing quality care and ongoing professional development, we wanted to inform you about the involvement of interns in our psychotherapy services and the supervision process they undergo.

As you may be aware, our practice participates in a graduate program that requires interns to complete extensive hours of supervised psychotherapy as part of their training. These interns are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective therapeutic support under the close supervision of licensed professionals.

It’s important to note that during their clinical work, interns collaborate closely with Badia Khalid-Manning, LC12181, a Clinical Supervisor approved by the Maryland Board of Professional Counselors.  Clinical supervision is a standard practice in the field of counseling and ensures that interns receive guidance, support, and feedback to enhance their clinical skills and adherence to ethical guidelines.

One aspect of clinical supervision involves the sharing of client information with the clinical supervisor. This ensures that the intern’s work is closely monitored and that clients receive the highest standard of care. However, please be assured that all information shared with the clinical supervisor is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is solely for the purpose of professional development and supervision. 

Your privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance to us, and we take every measure to ensure that your information is handled securely and in accordance with legal and ethical standards. If you have any questions or concerns about our internship program, supervision process, or how your information is handled, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you for entrusting us with your care. We value our relationship with you and remain committed to providing you with the support you need on your journey toward healing and growth.


Badia Manning, LCPC
